Serve both new prospects AND existing customers to maximize the “easy money”
The Pareto Principle is often quoted, stating that 20% of your customers will deliver 80% of your revenues. While seeking new customers is a necessity, you should be converting from your «gold list» of engaged customers. It’s like «shooting fish in a barrel»! Publicis Groupe Customer Engagement Survey 21 014 found that
Highly Engaged Customers are:
— three times more valuable than other customers over the course of a year. This is because they…
— buy 90% more frequently and
— spend 60% more in each transaction.
So? Serve both new prospects AND existing customers to maximize the «easy money»!
Get those Facebook and Google tracking pixels on your contact, pricing, conversion-oriented landing pages. Generate an audience list of hot new prospects to solicit and shine a little brand awareness on, as they make their way about the web. Target the particular product or category to test specific offers intended to 'close the deal', such as free shipping, BOGO or suitable accessory. Sweeten the deal to win the business.
Pixel your Purchase Success page separately, to initiate different advertising at intervals timed to exhaustion of supplies, new seasons, or real customer purchase periodicity data. Bring your best customers back, to buy more.